Markets & Performance
An asset management mandate allows you to delegate the management of your wealth to the specialists at swisspartners. A team of investment experts will undertake a detailed analysis of the financial markets, develop the ideal investment strategy for you and aim to realise your personal financial goals.
See below how our asset management strategies are performing and our assessment of the current situation in the financial markets.
More information on the current positioning and our assessment can be found in the monthly edition of the Portfolio Update Letter.
For a detailed overview of the transactions carried out, please contact us.
You can download the PDF of the report here. You will find the links, depending on your device, on the right side or at the bottom of the page.
Your partner in charge:
Nick M. Jenni, CFA
Partner, Head Investment Management & Solutions (CH)
For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:
The information published by swisspartners companies (referred to hereafter as “swisspartners”) is provided exclusively for information purposes and is neither a recommendation nor an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell investment instruments, to carry out transactions or to conclude any legal transaction whatsoever. The future performance of investments cannot be extrapolated from the mandate returns shown; accordingly, the value of the investment may increase or decrease. swisspartners cannot guarantee to preserve or to increase the value of the capital invested as a consequence of fluctuations in prices. swisspartners does not offer any guarantee or assume any liability for the information provided being accurate, complete or up-to-date. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. No liability can be assumed for any loss or damage arising from the use of this information.